Template Details :- Another amazing template with a news-style look is NewsLite. When a person visits your website and scrolls down, a post will automatically load until it is finished. This will encourage users to spend more time on your site, increasing income and increasing the value of your blog's brand. This automated loader is a script that we use in this newspaper blogger template to give it the finishing touch with the features gadgets and video section gadgets that we use to give the design a finished look. This responsive blogger template is extremely quick to load and is extremely well optimized for SEO and Adsense compatibility. If you have any questions or concerns about the configuration and installation of this template, please contact us.Click Here The primary Google Core Web Vitals issue has been fixed with the finest optimization in this template. You can also the Lighthouse Page Speed Test, GTmetrix, and Pingdom tools to test the super optimization of this template. Advanced techniques have been implemented which help you to increase the website performance. Our main aim is SEO, thus we're finally the first time introduced the Native Feed system, which load featured posts from JSON LD. This is the smart way we have optimized the template at different levels by using a custom Native feed system. This is an advanced rich snippet and the finest structured data helps to improve the performance of the website. Alternatively, NessLite provides various advanced shortcode features, which are very useful to increase revenue with the help of Google Adsense, Sponsorship articles, and also affiliate marketing. Everything is possible with the help of our exclusive Content Pagination shortcode, Post Cards, Post Split, smart short buttons much more features.
Please buy it legally if you can afford it or have the funds to get the most recent updates or modifying instructions. We only provide content for testing and instructional purposes. If you like how it came out and have the money, we recommend buying it from the original designers or developers because they spent a lot of time and effort into creating it. If you are the owner of this content and would like it deleted, please shoot us an email and we will take care of it as soon as possible.helpwebmaster10@gmail.com
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