Sandesh Media Website And Blogger Template

Mag Paper blogger templates are the best magazine templates With amazing features you can use on your websites without any problem. This blogger template is fully AdSense friendly and various add widgets are available. The loading speed of this blogger template is superior, we have used advanced JavaScript code which helps to load the gadget when you scroll down otherwise that it will not load and it will decrease the page size in your blogger template. In this blogger template we have made a very high level Optimisation, Each widget of this template is flexible along with the theme body, so that template is fully responsive. 

The main Google Core Web Vitals problem has been resolved in this template with the best optimization. To see the results of our optimization work in this adaptable modern blogger template, use the Google Page Speed Test tool by Lighthouse below. Additionally, you can check this template's super optimization using the GTmetrix and Pingdom tools. Performing this will help you get better results and top rankings in search engines. 

Everyone's top concern is SEO, thus we're finally the first in the blogger industry to adopt JSON LD, a native feed system that's doing deals with the blogger's normal bulky feed and useless javascript codes. Our new native feed system provides super-level optimization provides greater flexibility and quick indexing to load all Ajax Featured Posts like widgets sections across the template while minimizing the size of the page. 

Mag Paper template also has innovative features designed specifically to boost revenue for your website. The Content Pagination function, which allows you to insert buttons into articles using shortcodes, can help you raise the bounce rate for your Adsense account. Furthermore, the usage of Post Cards encourages users to spend more time on your website and read interesting content related to your topic. There are many more feature shortcodes available in our exclusive latest updated templates.

Template Features
Fast LoadingChek
Full ResponsiveChek
Mobile FrendlyChek
404 Eror PageChek
Google SchemaChek
Slot Ads
Validated Structured Data
Multi Level Dropdown Menu
Featured Posts
Slider Carousel
Recent Posts Per Label
Search Option
Search PopUp
ProgressBar (New)
Font Awesome Icons Integration
Short codes ready for buttons and other UI elements
Back To Top
Comment Blogger
Sidebar Sticky (CSS)
Social Share
Social Footer
Post Meta
Button styles
Alert Boxes
Code boxes
Image gallery
Load more Posts
Top Meenu
SEO Friendly

Please buy it legally if you can afford it or have the funds to get the most recent updates or modifying instructions. We only provide content for testing and instructional purposes. If you like how it came out and have the money, we recommend buying it from the original designers or developers because they spent a lot of time and effort into creating it. If you are the owner of this content and would like it deleted, please shoot us an email and we will take care of it as soon as

पोस्ट की पूरी डिटेल्स पड़ने के लिय यहाँ टच करें
Premium Zip:Rs.1500Rs. 499
Speed SEO Optimization (new) No Encrypted Scripts Remove Footer Credits One Time Payment Lifetime Template Updates 12 Months of Premium Support Full Customization Charges (Rs.1999)
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We don't sell any Templates, we just make your search easier
to purchase premium templates please click the buy button to get in touch directly with the template maker

Using illegal templates is tantamount to destroying your website / blog. because the templates that are distributed free of charge do not guarantee the safety of the template maker and no one is responsible. Please note, that there are a lot of complaints out there, they failed to handle their website, because of using an illegal template

"Sandesh Media Website And Blogger Template"
